Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Seems only fitting that since we are living in the city known as The Big Durian, that I should post something about this "King of Fruits."  DH first encounterered Durian when he was living in Malaysia.  He said the first time he tried it, it almost made him vomit.  After that he said it kind of grew on him, and now he really likes it.  I just can't imagine why you would eat it again if it almost made you gag the first time.

While we were living in Houston, DH bought a Durian at an Asian market.  He wanted his parents and brother and me to try eating Durian.  I think we all about gagged as we had our first try of Durian.  I thought it smelled like dirty diapers and tasted like what I might imagine a dirty diaper to taste like...blech!  Many people find the odor offensive.  Others find it to be very aromatic. I guess it depends on your preference. I think from all accounts, it is definitely an acquired taste.

A couple of weeks ago, DH came back from the grocery store with some Durian.  I graciously tried another slice.  It's still not my favorite fruit to say the least.  We tried to get the kids to try it, but they found the odor repulsive.  My 6-yr. old said that smelling the Durian made his stomach ache. My 4-yr. old said that Durian was "stinky." She calls it the "stinky fruit."  The locals get a kick out of my kids at the grocery store because the kids are holding their noses when we pass by the Durian. 

DH actually got the kids to each try a piece of Durian.  They like playing a game called "Battack Daddy" with him (basically just wrestling on the bed) so he told the kids that if they wanted to play the game, they had to eat a piece of Durian.  I tried to get the kids on video as they tried the Durian. 

My son spit it out but ate it in the end since he really wanted to play the game with Daddy.  My daughter cried and gagged, but she really wanted to play the game too so she ate some.  I couldn't see the reaction of my 2-yr. old.  She put it in her mouth and then ran off.  She took it out at some point and tried to hand it to us saying that she didn't want

I have to hand it to my kids that they gave Durian a try and even swallowed it.  Even Andrew Zimmerman couldn't eat the Durian.  It is definitely not a fruit that everyone will love.  I have to say that having had it again, it was definitely not as bad as the first time.  The flesh is somewhat slimy.  I think the texture combined with the smell is probably what gives most people the instant gag reflex.  Really, the flesh is somewhat sweet and the taste...well, you'll just have to see for yourself.  I don't know if I could describe it.  It has a high sulfur content if that gives you any indication of how it might taste. 

I ran across this article on Durian while I was poking around on the internet and it has some tips on how to eat this spiky fruit.  The article also has a really nice close-up of the inside of the case you were interested.  I totally forgot to take pictures of the Durian that DH bought.  I'll update this post if DH ever brings home another Durian. I'm afraid that I won't be the one bringing one home.  I don't know that it is true that people either love it or hate it.  I really don't hate Durian.  I'm going to say that it's not my favorite.  I don't mind eating it now that I've had it again, but I definitely won't go out of my way to eat it. 

How was your first experience with Durian? Do you love this King of Fruits?

This is a picture of Durian from Rawich (

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