Monday, June 13, 2011

Traveling with Young Children

Here is a list of things that have helped my kids make it through long international flights and long airport layovers…also long road trips.

1) Bring their favorite comfort blanket or toy and keep track of it…last thing you need is a meltdown over a lost favorite item. My son has a favorite stuffed animal. My daughter has a favorite blankie. The other one just loves her thumb so that’s easy since it’s always available and can’t be lost…lol.

2) Stickers and a notepad.  All 3 of my kids, ages 2 to 6 spent at least an hour peeling off stickers and putting them inside the notebook.

3) Pen or pencil.  This is where the notepad comes in handy again.  The kids enjoyed doodling on their notepads.

4) Video MP3 players loaded with their favorite songs, pictures,  and videos.  I bought refurbished Sansa Fuze players for a fraction of the original cost and they have worked great! We also have the ematic video MP3 player that is available at Walmart.  In other words, I bought the cheap players and they’ve worked just fine for their intended purpose. You can find free cartoons like Tom and Jerry on You Tube.  If you don’t have an MP3 player but have a phone that is capable of playing songs and videos, you can use your phone as an electronic entertainment device (only if you don’t mind your kids playing with your phone Smile).  I have a Samsung Chat 335 that I put videos, music, pictures,and games on. The kids also enjoy taking pictures with my phone. I have thought about getting the kids inexpensive digital cameras but we haven’t gone that route yet.  Older kids might enjoy taking pictures of their trip.

5) Nintendo DS with some games.  I made a little carrier for the DS, MP3 player, and games.  It worked out really well to have everything in one little packet for my son.  The girls don’t play video games.

6) Small container of play doh or silly putty.  The kids just liked manipulating the dough or the putty.

7) Lots of snacks.  I had dum dums and gum for the kids on takeoff and landing to help with their ears.   I also had some crackers and other favorite snacks on hand for whenever they got the munchies.

8) Empty water bottles that you can fill with water once you are in the airport and drink packets.   Drink packets come in a variety of flavors.  Our kids like lemonade, apple juice, and fruit punch.

9) Milk or formula for your infant/toddler. I got my kids used to drinking powdered milk on occasion so I just bring powdered milk with me in my diaper bag.  I put it in a ziploc bag labeled powdered milk.  I’ve never had any problems at airport security.

10) Lightweight jackets.  The kids complained about being cold on the plane. I often find that I am cold at different times throughout the flight so I bring a light jacket for me as well. 

11) Activity book (stickers, coloring, etc.). During airport layovers, I pull out the crayons and markers and the special activity books and they love it! 

12) You know your child best and know what things will help keep them occupied or will help them feel more secure in an unknown environment.

These are just some things that have worked for us.  My kids are seriously like little monkeys.  They can never sit still yet they have always done well on long international flights. Good luck to all the parents out there traveling with young ones.  What are some things that have worked for you when traveling with young children?

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